New Year Wars Day 1

Thu 2nd January 2020 (UTC)
Thu 2nd January 2020 (Local)


timezone flag 02:30:00 UTC (11:30:00 Local)

timezone flag 24-09-20 19:30 (PST Los Angeles)
timezone flag 24-09-20 21:30 (CST Chicago)
timezone flag 24-09-20 22:30 (EST New York)
timezone flag 24-09-21 03:30 (GMT London)
timezone flag 24-09-21 04:30 (CET Paris)
timezone flag 24-09-21 06:30 (GST Dubai)
timezone flag 24-09-21 08:00 (IST Kolkata)
timezone flag 24-09-21 11:30 (JST Tokyo)
timezone flag 24-09-21 12:30 (AEDT Sydney)


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Video Highlights

Unlike many other wrestling promotions, All Japan does not have an official biggest show of the year. However, you could make a case that the annual Korakuen Hall back-to-back shows on January 2 and 3 are definitely among the most important events on the All Japan calendar. The 2020 edition is no different. There is a big Triple Crown match and lots of outsiders in some interesting and unique matches. These shows could set a new direction for All Japan in 2020.


Result List

Result Description
Six Man Tag Team Match
Akira Francesco, Danny Jones & Rising HAYATO defeat Atsuki Aoyagi, Dan Tamura & Yusuke Okada (5:35)

Six Man Tag Team Match
Fuminori Abe, Jake Lee & Naoya Nomura defeat Black Menso-re, Jun Akiyama & Takao Omori (8:14)

Six Man Tag Team Match
Masanobu Fuchi, TAJIRI & The Great Sasuke defeat Abdullah Kobayashi, Frank Atsushi & Great Kojika (10:14)

Battle Royal
Danny Jones defeats Akira Francesco and Atsuki Aoyagi and Black Menso-re and Chikara and Dan Tamura and Fuminori Abe and Jake Lee and Naoya Nomura and Osamu Nishimura and Rising HAYATO and Takao Omori and Yusuke Okada (7:38)

Eight Man Tag Team Match
Izanagi, Lucas Steel, Shigehiro Irie & UTAMARO defeat Hokuto Omori, Kento Miyahara, Yoshitatsu & Yuma Aoyagi (10:13)

AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Hikaru Sato defeats Kagetora (12:37)

AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi Final Match
Susumu Yokosuka defeats Koji Iwamoto (10:32)

AJPW World Tag Team Title Match
Violent Giants (Shuji Ishikawa & Suwama) defeat Ryouji Sai & Zeus (c) by KO (18:12) - TITLE CHANGE !!!

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AJPW 2020-01-02 New Year Wars Day 1.mkv
AJPW 2020-01-02 New Year Wars Day 1.S2020E0.mkv
(Scraper) AJPW 2020-01-02 New Year Wars Day 1.mkv

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