
Sun 18th August 2019 (UTC)
Sun 18th August 2019 (Local)


timezone flag 10:30:00 UTC (11:30:00 Local)

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timezone flag 24-09-21 11:30 (GMT London)
timezone flag 24-09-21 12:30 (CET Paris)
timezone flag 24-09-21 14:30 (GST Dubai)
timezone flag 24-09-21 16:00 (IST Kolkata)
timezone flag 24-09-21 19:30 (JST Tokyo)
timezone flag 24-09-21 20:30 (AEDT Sydney)


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Race 1

AmD Tuning's Sam Tordoff takes his first BTCC win of the 2019 season after producing a faultless lights-to-flag victory in race one at Thruxton. The Honda Civic Type-R driver started the opening race from pole position and led every lap ahead of fellow Honda runner Dan Cammish to record his first BTCC victory since Silverstone last season.
The AmD driver could afford to back off during the final corner to cross the line 0.4s ahead of Cammish, while Mac Tools Racing's Adam Morgan secured his second podium finish of 2019 in third.
BTC Racing's Josh Cook also found himself in the hunt for a podium result after latching onto the rear of Morgan's Mercedes A-Class, but ultimately had to settle for fourth ahead of Team BMW's lead runner Tom Oliphant in fifth.

Race 2

BTC Racing's Josh Cook moves back up to third in the BTCC drivers' standings after clinching his third win of the season in race two at Thruxton.
Cook started the second race from fourth on the grid, but profited from a poor start from Honda counterpart Dan Cammish to immediately slot in behind the two race leaders in third position. Cook picked up the perfect the slipstream from Tordoff and Morgan to leap ahead of the pair on the back straight heading towards the final chicane.
Cook crossed the line 1.9s ahead of Morgan in second, a further eight-seconds behind the race winner, Honda's Matt Neal performed a magnificent last gasp move to snatch a podium result away from Team BMW's Tom Oliphant right on the line.

Race 3

Dan Cammish clinches his first victory of the 2019 BTCC campaign after winning a thrilling reverse grid race at Thruxton. Cammish started the reverse grid race from second on the grid and dropped to third behind Team BMW's Tom Oliphant during the early stages but took his first win of the 2019 campaign.
With the Power Maxed Racing Vauxhall Astra of Rob Collard leading over half of the race from pole position, Cammish made the race winning move on lap ten of the race following a small error from Collard at Church corner.However, heavy rain towards the end threatened to turn the race upside down but Cammish was able to tip-toe his way through the challenging conditions to record his first win of 2019 ahead of Collard and Honda team mate Matt Neal in third.


Result List

Result Description
Race 1

1 /Sam Tordoff /Cobra Sport AmD AutoAid/RCIB Insurance /16 /20:55.872
2 /Dan Cammish /Halfords Yuasa Racing /16 /+ 0.403
3 /Adam Morgan /Mac Tools with Ciceley Motorsport /16 /+ 0.714
4 /Josh Cook /BTC Racing /16 /+ 1.208
5 /Tom Oliphant /Team BMW /16 /+ 3.189
6 /Rob Collard /Sterling Insurance with Power Maxed Racing /16 /+ 4.660
7 /Rory Butcher /Cobra Sport AmD AutoAid/RCIB Insurance /16 /+ 8.923
8 /Matt Neal /Halfords Yuasa Racing /16 /+ 10.562
9 /Ash Sutton /Adrian Flux Subaru Racing /16 /+ 10.863
10 /Chris Smiley /BTC Racing /16 /+ 11.446

Race 2

1 /Josh Cook /BTC Racing /16 /20:55.108
2 /Adam Morgan /Mac Tools with Ciceley Motorsport /16 /+ 1.973
3 /Matt Neal /Halfords Yuasa Racing /16 /+ 8.360
4 /Tom Oliphant /Team BMW16+ 8.440
5 /Dan Cammish /Halfords Yuasa Racing /16 /+ 9.022
6 /Rob Collard /Sterling Insurance with Power Maxed Racing /16 /+ 9.608
7 /Andrew Jordan /Great BritainBMW Pirtek Racing /16 /+ 10.082
8 /Tom Ingram /Team Toyota GB with Ginsters /16 /+ 10.666
9 /Colin Turkington /Team BMW /16 /+ 10.823
10 /Sam Tordoff /Cobra Sport AmD AutoAid/RCIB Insurance /16 /+ 13.823

Race 3

1 /Dan Cammish /Halfords Yuasa Racing /15 /19:48.732
2 /Rob Collard /Sterling Insurance with Power Maxed Racing /15 /+ 1.974
3 /Matt Neal /Halfords Yuasa Racing /15 /+ 4.670
4 /Adam Morgan /Mac Tools with Ciceley Motorsport /15 /+ 5.444
5 /Jason Plato /Sterling Insurance with Power Maxed Racing /15 /+ 6.239
6 /Josh Cook /BTC Racing /15 /+ 6.585
7 /Tom Oliphant /Team BMW /15 /+ 7.814
8 /Tom Ingram /Team Toyota GB with Ginsters /15 /+ 8.513
9 /Ash Sutton /Adrian Flux Subaru Racing /15 /+ 8.996
10 /Andrew Jordan /BMW Pirtek Racing /15 /+ 9.428

Driver Standings After Meeting

1 /Colin Turkington /249
2 /Andrew Jordan /219
3 /Dan Cammish /215
4 /Josh Cook /211
5 /Rory Butcher /188
6 /Ash Sutton /179
7 /Matt Neal /168
8 /Tom Ingram /165
9 /Sam Tordoff /147
10 /Jason Plato /143

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