
Mon 4th August 1997 (UTC)
Mon 4th August 1997 (Local)


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The Palace of Auburn Hills
(17,616 Attendance)

Video Highlights

Dark Match
Brad Armstrong vs. Prince Iaukea

Singles Match
Mortis (w/James Vandenberg) vs. Curt Hennig

Tag Team Match
Dean Malenko & Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra McMichael) vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Hector Guerrero

Three On One Handicap Match
The Giant vs. Joey Maggs, Lenny Lane & Scott D'Amore

Tag Team Match
The Public Enemy (Johnny Grunge & Rocco Rock) vs. High Voltage (Kenny Kaos & Robbie Rage)

WCW World Cruiserweight Title Match
Alex Wright (c) vs. Scotty Riggs

Singles Match
Chris Benoit vs. Syxx

Singles Match
Vincent vs. Booker T (w/Stevie Ray)

Singles Match
Wrath (w/James Vandenberg) vs. The Barbarian

Singles Match
Konnan vs. Psychosis (w/Sonny Onoo)

Tag Team Match
Ernest Miller & Glacier vs. Damien & Silver King

Singles Match
Diamond Dallas Page vs. Ric Flair

Tag Team Match
Hector Garza & Lizmark Jr. vs. Los Villanos (Villano IV & Villano V)

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Hollywood Hogan (c) vs. Lex Luger


Result List

Result Description
Dark Match
Prince Iaukea defeats Brad Armstrong

Singles Match
Curt Hennig defeats Mortis (w/James Vandenberg) (3:47)

Tag Team Match
Dean Malenko & Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra McMichael) defeat Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Hector Guerrero (4:52)

Three On One Handicap Match
The Giant defeats Joey Maggs, Lenny Lane & Scott D'Amore (1:35)

Tag Team Match
The Public Enemy (Johnny Grunge & Rocco Rock) defeat High Voltage (Kenny Kaos & Robbie Rage) (5:13)

WCW World Cruiserweight Title Match
Alex Wright (c) defeats Scotty Riggs (3:45)

Singles Match
Chris Benoit defeats Syxx by DQ (4:01)

Singles Match
Booker T (w/Stevie Ray) defeats Vincent (0:49)

Singles Match
Wrath (w/James Vandenberg) defeats The Barbarian (2:58)

Singles Match
Konnan defeats Psychosis (w/Sonny Onoo) (1:50)

Tag Team Match
Ernest Miller & Glacier defeat Damien & Silver King (3:26)

Singles Match
Diamond Dallas Page defeats Ric Flair by DQ (10:00)

Tag Team Match
Los Villanos (Villano IV & Villano V) defeat Hector Garza & Lizmark Jr. (6:43)

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Lex Luger defeats Hollywood Hogan (c) (11:00) - TITLE CHANGE !!!

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Potential Filename

WCW 1997-08-04 NITRO #99.mkv
WCW 1997-08-04 NITRO #99.S1997E38.mkv
(Scraper) WCW 1997-08-04 NITRO #99.mkv

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