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Show highlights horizontally

Posted: 18 Nov 2023 01:55
Posts: 19
Joined: 2021-10-16

Hi, I have a wordpress website and have been using the API 'Last 15 Events by League' and 'Last 5 Events by Team' to get the latest highlights from teams and leagues. However I am getting the highlights vertically:
Is there any way to get the highlights displayed horizontally?

I am using the Gutenberg block editor and this is the shortcode I am using, with a plugin called JSON Content Importer:
[jsoncontentimporter url=] {subloop:events:-1} {subloop-array:events:-1} {events.strHomeTeam} {events.intHomeScore} - {events.intAwayScore} {events.strAwayTeam} {events.dateEventLocal}{/subloop-array:events} {/subloop:events} [/jsoncontentimporter]

Please let me know if someone uses this to display highlights too and managed to get them horizontally. My coding is very basic and json it's not something I have never done before, I got this by following a step by step tutorial.
Thank you y'all. Cheers! 

Posted: 19 Nov 2023 10:31

Posts: 3,359
Joined: 2020-03-23

Thats down to the plugin I think, the data coming from us is exactly as both your screenshots.


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