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NFL timezone help

Posted: 15 May 2020 21:28


Posts: 3,365
Joined: 2020

The NFL have just released their schedule for 2020, starting in September and its been imported.

I want to get the NFL accurately imported correctly this year, that means UTC times as well as local times. UTC times I have a source for but what about local? Every website seems to list it differently

Can anyone find a source for Local kickoff times for 2020 NFL matches?

Posted: 16 May 2020 07:32


Posts: 3,365
Joined: 2020

The NFL have just released their schedule for 2020, starting in September and its been imported.

I want to get the NFL accurately imported correctly this year, that means UTC times as well as local times. UTC times I have a source for but what about local? Every website seems to list it differently

Can anyone find a source for Local kickoff times for 2020 NFL matches?

In order to get correct UTC, ET & local times I always use this site:

Posted: 16 May 2020 07:41


Posts: 3,365
Joined: 2020

Thanks interesting, i'm wondering if I should just all the local times in ET just to make it easy, I think thats what the import did anyway.

It would be nice to have the western teams the correct local time though.

But then I found out that some central states are on mountain time. Very confusing

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