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Get all soccer player name only

Posted: 27 Sep 2023 12:51
Posts: 8
Joined: 2023-09-27


I want to build a custom json with like :

"name": "Sergio Ramos",

I want to have all possible name (only football soccer player) in sports db database.
I already have an answer, and zag told me to make id by id.
But when i do a loop from id 0 to the end of the db, all player have no data ?
What can i do to have only soccer player name ?

Posted: 27 Sep 2023 12:55

Posts: 3,359
Joined: 2020-03-23

You would need to create a loop with the player ID and move up one id each time.

Posted: 27 Sep 2023 13:00
Posts: 8
Joined: 2023-09-27

Ok but how do i know where the soccer id player begin ? do we know the start id of the loop ?

Posted: 27 Sep 2023 14:48

Posts: 3,359
Joined: 2020-03-23

Ok but how do i know where the soccer id player begin ? do we know the start id of the loop ?

English Premier league player contains the lowest ID players I believe.

EDIT: Federico Macheda is first (34145337)

Posted: 27 Sep 2023 14:54
Posts: 8
Joined: 2023-09-27

Ok so i start the index at 34145337 and do we know how many soccer player only are present in db ?
Because if i dont end the loop i will get other sport player and i need only soccer ?

Posted: 27 Sep 2023 19:06

Posts: 3,359
Joined: 2020-03-23

Ok so i start the index at 34145337 and do we know how many soccer player only are present in db ?
Because if i dont end the loop i will get other sport player and i need only soccer ?

Well in your code, you would stop when you find a null generally.

But also you can just check the front page for the stats

Posted: 28 Sep 2023 13:28
Posts: 8
Joined: 2023-09-27

Hello Zag,

I made a little python script to scrap all the footballer name in the api.

import requests

# URL de l'API de TheSportsDB
base_url = ""
index = 34145337 # Premier index

while True:
url = f"{base_url}{index}"

# Effectuer la demande GET à l'API
response = requests.get(url)

# Vérifier si la réponse est vide (null)
data = response.json()
if not data.get('players'):
print(f"Null response for id {index}. Stopping here.")

# Récupérer le champ 'strPlayer' de chaque joueur dans la réponse
players = data['players']
for player in players:
strPlayer = player.get('strPlayer')
if strPlayer:
print(f"Player Name : {strPlayer}")

# Incrémentez l'index pour la prochaine demande
index += 1

Even if i know the starting index, i cannot stop when response is null because some of the players have no data in the middle of the others.

Player Name : Federico Macheda
Player Name : Danny Gabbidon
Player Name : Kagisho Dikgacoi
Player Name : Anthony Pilkington
Player Name : David Marshall
Player Name : Joe Lewis
Null response for id 34145343. Stopping here.

Do you know the last index so i can made a loop ith know start index and know end index.

Thank you

Posted: 19 Oct 2023 13:04
Posts: 8
Joined: 2023-09-27

Up !

Does anyone has an idea ?

Posted: 19 Oct 2023 13:28

Posts: 3,359
Joined: 2020-03-23

Yes last is 34222354

But you will find many missing ID's as we delete some players over time. You just need to handle those NULL's

Posted: 19 Oct 2023 13:46
Posts: 8
Joined: 2023-09-27

Thank you

I just continue the loop if player is null.
nervermind for the null player.

I maybe find another solution :

if data.get('players'):
# Récupérer le champ 'strPlayer' de chaque joueur dans la réponse
players = data['players']
for player in players:
if (player.get('strSport') == "Soccer" and player.get('strGender') == "Male"):
strPlayer = player.get('strPlayer')
if strPlayer:
data_list.append({"name": strPlayer})

I check if strSport of player is Soccer, if true i get the player name.

But problem of this solution is, i will continue to scrap the api eventho soccer players are finish

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